Robert Donovan Fishing

Fishing Is My Non-
Competitive Sport

I’m very driven and competitive in all that I do,
from work to pursuits outside of work. Fishing is
one of my few hobbies that’s not competitive. It
is relaxing, educational, therapeutic – and it’s an
excellent opportunity to build memories.

Robert Donovan Tuna Fishing
Rober Donovan, fishing on a boat, family

Better with Rod & Reel

The educational aspect of fishing is inherent. Learning to
fish is a must for surviving as a species. I am convinced
humans were meant to be primarily vegetarian, followed by
pescatarian, and then just a little bit carnivorous. True, we
teach our children to catch and release, but they’d have the
life skills to fish if they were ever in a tight situation.

Problem Solving Seas

Boats are amazing; they’re fun to work on and fun
to be on, but it’s not about the boat itself. It’s
about the environment and experiences they can
create. The water is absolutely the best spot to talk
through ideas and solve problems. Surrounded by
a different, comfortable environment, your mind
relaxes, creating a more conducive creative space.

Robert Donovan Fising, Sea Lion